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Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Been a long time...


I know it's been several months since I have posted on my blog. I due apologize! I did not realize that many people read it until several friends asked why hadn't I posted in a while. Thank you for your support!!!

A lot of went on since my last post. I traveled to Florida with my boyfriend and I just returned from Atlanta where I attended the Bronner Bros Hair Show with my girlfriends where I met the beautiful & talented Antonia "Toya" Wright and her new husband Mickey "Memphitz" Wright. This has become an annual trip for us and we thoroughly enjoy it!

I have also began yet another business venture. I am making jewelry, particularly earrings. They are inspired from the POParazzi collection that are sported by many celebs and the infamous Basketball Wives. My earrings are not called POParazzi earrings and I am not associated with them in any way. All supplies were purchased by me with my own money. This is just something I decided to do on my own. I know there are several other people that have the same idea as me, and I am not trying to knock anyone's hustle. However, if you are interested in purchasing some, please feel free to contact me ( A few designs are posted below along with pictures from my ATL trip. As I add new styles and designs to my collection, I will be sure to post picutres. Again, thank you for you continued support!! I love you all :)

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